Improve Energy Efficiency In The Home With Double Glazing

The issue of climate change continues to be a major talking point amongst world leaders, with each of them trying to find ways of solving the problem. The UK is trying to its bit by encouraging people to take up renewable energy and reduce the number of carbon emissions by 2020.

However, solar panels and similar measures are well out of the financial reach of many people which means that other methods need to be used. Replacing the current windows in your home is a great way of lowering your reliance on energy and doing your bit to help preserve the health of the planet.

Double glazing is an affordable alternative to renewable energy and when placed around the home can transmit much of the FREE warm energy produced by the sun directly into your property. It can do this without allowing the interior to become too hot, nor too cold during the winter months.

UPVC is most commonly used to construct the frame of a double glazed window, but unlike the old traditional timber window frame it will not be affected by issues such as fading or rotting. Instead, it will stand firm in the face of adverse weather without any sort of damage becoming prominent. This means that you get more than good value for money.

Using less energy in your home will be a certainty when you have energy efficient windows placed in and around your property. Your ‘green’ credentials will rise and you can be safe in the knowledge that you are at least doing your bit to save the planet.

For an energy efficient home extension you need look no further than conservatories and orangeries as they both promise to create a cosy atmosphere without the need for excess energy to be used.


We invite you to join us at our showroom in York, to browse our many products in person and speak with our team of advisors and designers about your next home improvement project.


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